With the United States federal government hoping to bring their budget under control, there has been a significant concern at the state level that federal money would be reduced drastically over the next few years. Senior Affairs Counsel for the National Conference on State Legislatures, Michael Bird, spoke to Hawaii’s lawmakers and warned that Hawaii could lose an additional $45 million in funding. Bird noted that schools, transportation, health and human service and justice programs can all see federal budget cuts. Bird stated, “The public generally partakes in services and structures that government provides — whether it’s public education, community hospitals and child care programs, highways, bridges. Government is in the middle of everyone’s life, though they may not realize it.”
Source: Honolulu Star Advertiser, 3-24-2012, www.staradvertiser.com
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Broker-in-Charge, Realtor
Global Executive Realty, LLC