Tourism experts are predicting that the recent announcement by go! Airlines stating that they will be leaving the Hawaii market will not hurt neighbor island tourism too much. go! Airlines took up only 6.8 percent of the interisland market share, as compared to Hawaiian Airlines which currently controls 85.2 percent of the market share. Hawaii Tourism Authority's vice president of brand management, David Uchiyama, commented, "(Go! was) flying a pretty minimal schedule. There will be an impact, but not as great as if they were flying six aircraft like they were before. They were down to two aircraft." Uchiyama noted that Hawaiian Airlines, Mokulele Airlines and Island Air should sufficiently be able to absorb all of go! Airlines flights.
Source: Honolulu Star Advertiser, 3-18-2014,
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC