Kamehameha Schools has announced that they will be offering a free high speed public wireless network through Hawaii Dialogix Telecom for their entire Our Kakaako project. It will take a total of two more weeks for the entire nine block community to be completely covered, but once completed, Kamehameha Schools has stated that this network will be the biggest and fastest free system in the state. Erin Kinney, the development manager for Kamehameha Schools, stated, "It is free, it is fast and it is available to anyone who wants to use it. We will be able to strengthen our community in so many positive ways through greater connectivity. It will be seamless. You're not going to get cut off when you walk block to block in the master plan." Unfortunately, the wireless network is designed for use on the ground, so those people living in high rise buildings would not be able to connect to the free system.
When finalized, the Our Kakaako project will have a total of 2,750 residential units in seven towers and 300,000 sq ft of commercial space. The neighborhood would cover 29 acres of land on nine blocks, bordered by Ala Moana Blvd, South Street, Halekauwila Street, and Kamani Street.
Source: Honolulu Star Advertiser, 3-5-2014, www.staradvertiser.com
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC