Walt Disney Studios has announced that their 2016 animated feature film will take place in Oceania, and will feature a young Polynesian girl named Moana. The basic plot is that a "spirited teenager sets sail for a fabled island. During her journey, Moana teams up with the demigod Maui, her hero, and together they encounter enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds and ancient folklore." Marisa Mayase, the spokeswoman for the Polynesian Voyaging Society, commented, "The Polynesian discovery and settlement of islands across the Pacific Ocean is one of humanity's remarkable achievements. It is a compelling story that continues today. Disney has an opportunity to show that voyaging is not just a part of our past, it is a part of our future."
Source: Honolulu Star Advertiser, 10-21-2014, www.staradvertiser.com
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC