Officials from Honolulu's Department of Emergency Management are very concerned that Waikiki, Oahu's most densely packed area, is not ready in the event that a major hurricane were to strike. While most of the hotels meet monthly to review and update their disaster plans, the Department of Emergency Management noted that most of the condominiums and apartment building have no such plan in place, and are encouraging them to get prepared. Many of Waikiki's building were built before stricter building codes required more solid, concrete construction.
Steven Businger, a meteorology professor at the University of Hawaii admitted that a major hurricane hitting the islands is a rare event, but agreed with city officials that the public should be ready and have a plan.
Source: Honolulu Star Advertiser, 8-4-2014,
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC