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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Four Bills Advance that Would Limit the Authority of the HCDA

The state House Committee on Water and Land has revised and advanced four bills, out of the seven that were proposed, that may affect the Hawaii Community Development Authority.  The HCDA is the state agency that is overseeing the redevelopment of Kakaakao, and has recently been under criticism from current Kakaako residents who feel that the neighborhood is being changed too quickly.  These opponents feel that the HDCA is serving the interests of large developers instead of that of the community.

The bills that have advanced are:

HB 1867: Towers must be separated by 300 feet, no tower higher than 400 feet.
HB 1866: Limit the governor’s power to appoint HCDA board members.
HB 1865: Require a management and financial audit of HCDA.
HB 1863: Allow citizens to sue HCDA.

These bills will now be reviewed by a state House Finance committee.  If some or all of these bills pass the committee, they would then be sent over to the Senate.

Source: Honolulu Star Advertiser, 2-12-2014,
Posted by Jeff Uyemura-Reyes, Principal Broker, REALTOR®
Global Executive Realty, LLC